Prophetic Word – Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour – 1 Cor.11

Dear Family Of God,

This Monday night’s worship service had some unexpected audio “glitches” happen during our time of worship, but not the same as last Monday, which we had resolved. Every worship song we sang had buffering issues, which I believe was something going on in the internal system of the worship laptop. I must admit that last week I had to resolve the previous problems & also was trying to make a different way for us to do the Live Stream, but that didn’t work out like we planned. Perhaps something I had “tried” changed something in the system making something work in the back ground & cause the “stuttering” that each song made as they tried to start. Anyway, by the grace of God we will have that resolved before next Monday. Even with these small problems. the Lord came mightily through out the service, with many prophetic words & words of wisdom. All in all, the service went very well! The main prophetic word, which we include below was very powerful, as the Lord directs us closer to Him, for the days ahead. Keeping that in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful & penetrating words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to HELP them to come closer unto Me. For truly as you have gone thru My word this night I have SHOWED you things that greatly impact My people in this hour. For so many have glazed over things in their lives thinking that My grace has COVERED them, when in truth they have never truly EXAMINED themselves as I have desired. For truly as you will SEE as I see, you will WALK as i walk. How can you walk forward in your lives, thinking all is well, when you have not gone back & SEEN the things you have done, as I have seen them?

I ask you this because many do not seem to see the truth that is in My word. Many think that the SEEDS that they have planted in times past will just magically DISAPPEAR! I tell you now that you MUST do your part, for even as I have told you THIS night, you must truly EXAMINE yourselves. Can you not see that this is far more than just a casual GLIMPSE at your past? Can you not see that this is far more than just a QUICK remembrance, than casting those things aside? Yes, I did say you are to forget those things BEHIND & press TOWARDS the mark of My high calling in Christ Jesus.

But many have failed to do what I have commanded BEFORE they are to do that very thing! For many experience SO many problems & trials because they have NEGLECTED to go back & uproot their past & tear down what the enemy has PLANTED within them thru their sin! I need you to understand that seeds just do NOT go away on their own…they MUST be uprooted…they MUST be destroyed! So many come to Me begging me to HELP them in their situations, yet these same people have NOT done as I have said & gone back & truly UPROOTED those old seeds & destroyed them.

I tell you this because I truly love you with an everlasting love & I desire you to walk in My blessing & power! So many desire this, yet so few will DO what it takes on their part to SEE this happen. So many are CONVINCED that somehow My grace has magically removed all these seeds, just because they prayed a SIMPLE prayer! I need you you know that each of those seeds all took ACTION on your part to be planted & they all have CONSEQUENCES. I do NOT say this to scare you…I say this to ENLIGHTEN you so you can do YOUR part to BE free. Remember…I told you that you would KNOW the truth & the truth would set you free.

Yet, so many of My people are NOT really free, as I desire…they are only free to the extent of what they have YIELDED unto Me of their lives. So many say that they HAVE given Me their lives, but I look & I see all of those seeds STILL there within you, which you have NOT taken the time to go back & take care of them. You ask Me to fill you with My Spirit…you ask Me to fill you with GOOD things, yet I cannot fill you as I desire, BECAUSE of the seeds that STILL remain & are taking up space WITHIN you. As you will HEAR My words, you will begin to understand that there are many things My people have not SEEN that meet the eyes.

In other words, there is a lot going in within you, that you have NO idea of! I need you to understand that your walk with me is a PROCESS. You did not just grow up instantly when you were born, as a child. You went thru a process! You had to learn to CRAWL, before you could learn to WALK. Even so in your spiritual walk with Me, I am taking you thru the process of GROWING up in Me. It is NECESSARY for you to DO your part in THIS process. You are NOT a robot that I can just make DO this or that. You MUST make the choice to FOLLOW Me. You MUST do your part, so I CAN do Mine.

In the days ahead, I will help you to understand THIS better & help you along this PATH, but this will take YOUR action in obedience to My voice. As you will SEEK Me, you will FIND me. The problem is, so many do NOT seek Me as I desire…they seek Me from the level of THEIR understanding, not realizing that there are OTHER things in play within them that need to be ADDRESSED. As you will LISTEN to Me as I speak unto you, you will begin to HEAR things from Me that will help you to SEE as I see. I will take you thru the process of DEALING with things as I desire you to & you will walk forward in Me & SEE My hand move you.

Do not forget that My CHASTENING is mandatory…you CANNOT avoid it or be EVASIVE in the things that I tell you. To do so will only CREATE other problems. I need you to SEE the truth that EXISTS within you, so you can do YOUR part in THIS walk with Me. I only want good things for you, but sometimes My good things cannot come because of the OTHER things that you have not dealt with that you have SWEPT aside, thinking you have no need of dealing with them. There are many that continue to walk in many problems because they refuse, neglect or ignore the things that i DESIRE them to deal with. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to SHOW you the way things truly ARE.

For IF you think that you have no need to do this, then WHY are you not walking IN My power & authority IN this hour? Why are you not DOING the exploits that I have called you to do? This is the hour for My people to DO exploits…but for these exploits to truly MANIFEST outwardly to the world, they must first be accomplished WITHIN you. Take your places IN Me & allow Me to SHOW you the truth that is within your hearts. Do not SHRINK back in fear or denial. Stay your ground & fight the good fight of faith, for I tell you this is the hour for YOUR shining. Come to Me & let Me HELP you take care of all that needs to be addressed within you & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


As always, remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirely of what He shared during this service…He said a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He shared! This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7pm CST on YouTube & will be uploaded to RUMBLE. If you were unable to join us live, you can partake of this service at a later time by going here:

If the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement to you, please honor the Lord by giving to help us Meet our small monthly budget. You can give your much needed donation here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

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