Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 07-17-23-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour- Phil.4

Dear Family of God,

This Monday night’s worship service was truly wonderful! The Lord impacted us with several prophetic words, as well as words of wisdom. As we went thru Phil. 4, so many things came out, which reading the KJV really doesn’t do it justice, as so much has been watered down & changed from what the Lord really said. And of course, the main prophetic word the Lord gave us near the end of the service, which we include below, was not as long as we have seen recently, but was still very illuminating! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “i come to My people in this hour to help them MANEUVER thru the challenges & obstacles that the enemy may try to place before you. As you walk FORWARD in this hour, many are starting to see things ramp up & change. Many are beginning to be CHALLENGED in their very walk with Me. For doubts are attempting to creep within My people. Thoughts are being INJECTED to sway My people from STANDING FIRM firm & stationary IN Me. I need you to understand that these things WILL happen, but you are NOT to allow any of them to take you off course from Me.

For I have PROMISED you, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver them out of the all! For as you will do YOUR part to STAND FIRM, to STAY STATIONARY in all that you go thru, I will EQUIP you, I will STRENGTHEN you, I will UPHOLD you. For it is IN your obedience to DO your part IN Me, that ACTIVATES My power & authority to RISE up within you. I need you to stay UNIFIED in oneness with your brothers & sisters, knowing that you ARE MY family…the family of God. My body IS one, but has MANY members. For if one member suffers, the whole body WILL also suffer with it , because the body IS one IN Me.

If My people do NOT do their part in this, they WILL come to find WHY they are suffering in their OWN lives, because they are NOT aiding & helping the ones suffering. In this time of THLIPSIS…in this time of PRESSURE, I need My people to become one, as never before. For as you see the family of God going thru the pressures & trials of this hour, I am CALLING you to come alongside to HELP them THRU these pressures. For TRUE fellowship…TRUE partnership…TRUE communion…TRUE “koinonia” IS when you SHARE in BOTH giving & receiving. One sided fellowship is NOT true fellowship!

For when My body TRULY works together, My body grows STRONGER, My body grows HEALTHIER, My body grows CLOSER to Me. For I have done ALL of these things, as I walked the earth, even so, you ARE to do the same in this day. For as you understand My truth, you will know that you MUST do your part! For as My body takes care of its members, My grace WILL cover, My provision WILL come, My glory WILL manifest, BECAUSE My body is truly BEING My body…NOT a body of SELF, that only cares for its OWN things. For as My body truly shows its TRUE love to the members, it IS showing their TRUE relationship with Me.

For they are doing the things that I have COMMANDED them to do & in doing so, they ARE in UNION TOGETHER with Me. OPEN your hearts, My people & allow Me to take you CLOSER to me! For as you will open your hearts, you WILL understand the MYSTERY that I have told you of, which IS Christ IN you, the HOPE of glory! For if you withhold from EMBRACING My people, NOT opening your arms to them, i need you to REALIZE that as much as you HAVE done this to the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto Me! I love you all with an everlasting love…open your hearts & allow me to take you closer & SHOW you the truth that I have for you.

For much of the truth that MANY of My people walk in, is only PARTIAL truth, but as My people WILL surrender their self wills unto Me, i WILL help them to SEE things on a far higher level. And My people WILL begin to arise & shine in Me! For My glory WILL have access to you, because you HAVE released that which IS of self, to BE the body that I have CALLED you to BE. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to SHOW you the way. Do this & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


As always, remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He said a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us! This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7pm CST on YOUTUBE. If you were unable to join us live, you can partake of this service at any later time by going here. The Live Stream will be uploaded to Rumble later:

We hope the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement to you. If you would like to help support this apostolic/prophetic ministry, you can give your much needed donation here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 07-10-23-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour- Phil.3

Dear Family of God,

This Monday night’s worship service was wonderful! There was SO much that came forth during our time together! This night was truly a blessing, with all of the prophetic & wisdom that came for. As we went thru Phil. 3 & there was a LOT that was unpacked & take in. Again, it was SO much fun breaking down the true translations of His words! And of course, the main prophetic word, which we share was a REAL eye opener! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful & penetrating words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to ALIGN with the things of MY Kingdom, by coming OUT OF their self lives. I need you to understand that for so long, My people have been LED to take hold of, to trust, to believe things that DID NOT truly line up with My words, but were conveniently MINIMIZING My truth, by compromising My truth with SELF truth. For as you see the “church system” that EXISTS around the world, you can see how things ARE becoming more & more compromised, more & more complacent in what I have said & instead being twisted & morphed into something that is NOT of Me!

For I AM come that you MIGHT have life! The problem is, the life that many are NOW holding to is NOT the life that I came to bring. For the life I came to bring, is a life that is NOT controlled by self, but yielded to & obedient to Me. For I AM looking for those who CAN see things as they TRULY are. THESE see the error & the conflict in what My word says & how My truth is NOT being manifest around the world. For I came to set the captives FREE…not ENABLE them to continue in THEIR sin, thinking I “wink at them”! The time has come for those who say they are Mine to show Me the truth that EXISTS within their hearts.

For I tell you…I KNOW those who truly ARE Mine. They do NOT add their voices to the voices of the compromised & complacent…they SEE them for what they are & they DO as I have said. For I told you to mark them that walk contrary to what I have COMMANDED & not allow their sin to take hold of YOU…not to join WITH them in agreement, thinking that My grace is something to be compromised WITH sin & self! I need My people to truly SEE the difference! For as time goes forward, there WILL be much change all around you & those who are NOT scoping things out, as I have commanded, will NOT be able to SEE the subtle changes, as things are slowly TWEAKED more & more AWAY from My ways & unto the ways of the evil one.

For those who HAVE trumpeted “My grace” over the years, were SO bent on the “grace” factor, they forgot to KEEP a BALANCE in holiness & righteousness. And because this, a spiritual cancer HAS formed & IS spreading across the world, with more & more people being INFECTED with this PSEUDO grace. And now My grace has been turned INTO something that basically allows people to do & be what ever THEY desire…instead of being conformed to My image. For I told you THIS very night, that I AM coming back for those who HAVE walked in HUMILITY to My words…NOT those who walk in THEIR self made righteousness.

For in humility, My people WILL deny self & BECOME like Me. People continue to IGNORE the truth that I tell them…I commanded you to EXERCISE YOUR MINDS TO OBEY ME…NOT self…NOT the things of self! I need those who say they are Mine to SHOW Me who’s they REALLY are! And these can ONLY do this as they WILL recognize the REALITY that HAS existed within them, IN their self walk & REPENT before Me while they still can. I look at the hearts & lives of those who say they are Mine & I SEE many of them ‘scratching their heads’, not able to figure out what IS wrong in their lives, yet they cannot even see the SIMPLE truths that are right before them that show them the truth that exists within their hearts.

So many hear My words as I speak them in this hour & they really SHUN them MORE than receive them, because they CANNOT even see any NEED for them to change. They CANNOT see the very things that I AM wanting to do WITHIN them, because they do NOT believe there IS anything they need to change. This is SIMPLE to solve, for I already told you this in Rev. 3, to the church of the Laodiceans, (which church MANY of those who say they are mine truly ARE a part of). For you say you ARE “rich, increased with goods & have need of nothing”. This is saying that you have NO need for change.

This is saying that you CANNOT see the things that I desire changed WITHIN you, because of the compromise & complacency that EXISTS within your heart! I need those who fall into this category to RECOGNIZE the reality that exists within them & for them to TRULY humble themselves before Me! I counseled you to BUY from Me, gold tried in the fire, so you MIGHT be rich & white raiment, so you would be clothed & the shame of your nakedness would not appear & for eye salve to anoint your eyes, so you MIGHT see! THIS “buying gold tried in the fire”, speaks of refining by humility!

For it IS the very humility that My people have EMBRACED within their lives that I USE to change them & conform INTO the body of My glory. How can you believe that you will be changed into My glory when you refuse to come into TRUE humility as I desire? I need those who say they are mine to TRULY see the seriousness of this hour & to truly HUMBLE themselves before Me. I keep saying “seriousness” because of the fact that SO few have righteously responded unto Me, as I desire. So many are STILL holding to their compromised & complacent ways, not recognizing THEIR need to change.

Still holding to their childish SENSE of feeling condemnation, when they should take hold of the CONVICTION that I AM trying to impart unto them. But these cannot recognize the conviction, because they FAIL to see that they are STILL walking in the flesh in areas of their lives. I know this is hard to comprehend, but I tell you this truly is the way things are! So many have ADJUSTED their lives IN a “comfort zone”, that nothing can penetrate, because SELF is still truly RULING within them. They cannot even see this, because of the HOLD that self has on their lives. In these, they may “obey Me in small things”, but the bigger, MORE impactful areas, they fail to even see their need for change.

I tell you these things because I love you with an everlasting love. Yes, it truly IS My desire that you become like me, but I cannot FORCE you to BE like Me…I can only show you the way…it is up to each of you to follow! You will either follow your own SELF heart, or you will truly humble your hearts BEFORE Me & deny your self, take up your cross & follow Me. So many do not even really understand what THAT means. How can they, when they have deny “denying self”? How can they, when they deny “taking up the cross”? I tell you, if you understood this truth, your lives would be SO different!

There would STILL BE men & women who I married, STILL married, recognizing they ARE made one IN Me, but have become separate because their SELF that rules within them, when they “think” they are submitted unto Me! This is just ONE example of how FAR those who say they are mine truly ARE from Me! This is just scratching the surface, because underneath the surface, opens up to SO many other things that people CANNOT see! I tell you again, the time HAS COME for those who say they are mine, to truly BECOME like Me. You cannot go forward one more step without recognizing the reality that exists within you.

I need you to see things as they really are…not the way your self ways has CORRUPTED you to see them. For I gave Myself FULLY for My church. I suffered, I was beaten & bled & I died! And most of the church that I died for this day, DOES NOT enter into what I accomplished for them. They show THIS by the way that they TREAT each other. Christians that I joined as one, divorce, ministers that I ordained, have left their assignments from Me. Men & women living their lives, as THEY choose, NOT realizing that they ARE really not serving Me! I tell you…i have NEVER left or forsaken them! I have never failed any of them!

But many of these, DO these very things all the time, not even knowing that they have AND are doing them! I continue to love them & DO My best to bring them back to Me. I do this by telling them the TRUTH. I cannot do this by telling them the things THEY want to hear…the devil is already doing that & look what he has accomplished in SO many! I need My people to KNOW the truth in their lives. I need My people to recognize the difference, between SELF truth & My truth. My truth DOES NOT tickle the ears of flesh. My truth tickles the heart that TRULY desires to BE one with Me. For My truth tells the heart the NEED for change!

Yes, My truth ALSO tells those that I AM pleased with their walk with Me, but this ISN’T happening so much anymore, because SO many are holding to their SELF ways, seeing NO need to change. This IS grieving, but I hold strong to My love for them, working THRU the way things are, TRYING to wake them up OUT OF their slumber. For SO many are changing AWAY from My image & becoming more & more like the image of the ENEMY! I need those who say they are Mine to SEE things as they truly are. I need those who say they love me, to SHOW Me their love, BY their obedience.

The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You MUST turn away from the direction you have been going, that has NOT been on My path\road\groove\rut! So many have “jumped off the track” I had them on & are NOW on a path that is slowly moving them AWAY from Me & My will for them. I need these to see this & EXECUTE the needed changes to get BACK on My path for them. There IS still time to do this, but I would advise you to NOT delay. I lover you all…I truly, truly do! I desire for all who say they are Mine, to BE with Me. So let go of YOUR self ways & RUN back to Me while you still can!

Can you hear the seriousness IN My voice? This seriousness IS one of TRUE love, that I gave my all, so you could BE one with Me. Please do NOT waste what I “gave” to continue pursuing your self ways! Deny yourselves, take up your cross & follow Me! I did NOT say this would be easy…I just commanded you to obey & do it! Yes, there WILL be hardships in doing this. Yes, there WILL be difficulties in walking in obedience to My voice, but I promise you that if you WILL do this, as I desire, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


As always, remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He said a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us! This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7pm CST on YOUTUBE. If you were unable to join us live, you can partake of this service at any later time by going here. The Live Stream will be uploaded to Rumble later:

We hope the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement to you. If you would like to help support this apostolic/prophetic ministry, you can give your much needed donation here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 07-03-23-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour- Phil.2

Dear Family of God,

This Monday night’s worship service was wonderful! There was SO much that came forth during our time together! This night was truly a blessing, with all of the prophetic & wisdom that came for. As we went thru Phil. 2 & there was a LOT that was unpacked & take in. Again, it was SO much fun breaking down the true translations of His words! And of course, the main prophetic word, which we share was a REAL eye opener! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful & penetrating words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people this evening to REMIND them of what I have already spoken, so they can see the truth WITHIN their lives & return UNTO Me in this hour. For truly, as I have taken you THRU the reality of the way things are, both in YOUR present world & also IN those who are called My people. For all that I have shared with you this evening, in My written word, I have done this to HELP you to see as never before. I look at My people & I SHOW you the reality that is there, for even as you have walked THRU My words in this night, you have seen just how FAR from Me so many of those who say they are mine, really are.

For I have commanded you to exercise\to use the mind that is IN you, as I used when I walked upon the earth. For I did not use My form as being God, nor did I esteem it & use it IN My earth walk, but I emptied My SELF of all of those things & took on the FORM of a servant…I BECAME a slave to SERVE mankind. I share THESE things to REMIND you that YOU told me that YOU wanted to follow Me. So I am reminding you, of YOUR own words, so you CAN take action & BEGIN to DO your words, in this present hour. It is time for you to truly begin to FOLLOW Me. It IS time for YOU to EMPTY yourselves of YOUR self lives & BE My vessels of glory & honor in this hour.

I look at My people in this hour & I see SO many who still keep hold of their self lives, doing ONLY the things that they want to do. Yes, at times SOME will come aside & do a FEW things here or there, according to My will, but for the most part, this is FEW & far between! I need My people to truly SEE the reality that exists WITHIN them, for as long as they REFUSE to do this, nothing will ever change. I AM calling for revival in this hour. And for revival to truly come, My people will HAVE to rise from the DEAD self lives that they CONTINUE to live in. So many cannot even SEE this truth within their lives.

So many still are held tight in their OWN slumber of self, they do not realize just how FAR they are from Me. Each & every one of those who say they are mine are REQUIRED to see this. There is no one that is EXEMPT. For even those who ARE doing their best to come close to Me, RECOGNIZE this great need within their lives & they ARE responding to My heart in this hour with THEIR lives. For those that ARE close to Me, hear My voice!. Those who are truly seeking Me hear My love & concern, they hear the LOVING tone of My voice. And THIS shows the difference in the way things are!

For those who CANNOT hear or REFUSE to hear My love & desire for them to COME CLOSER to Me, do not hear because their hearts are STILL bound by their LOVE of self. But those who truly hear My heart, those who truly hear My love, those that truly hear My words of concern & desperation for them to change, KNOW I AM only speaking OUT OF My great love for them. But the others will ONLY hear condemnation, refusing to change, because they do NOT want to give up THEIR own self made pseudo walk, “that they love Me”. They are fully convinced that THIS is the way they ARE to go, because of well meaning men’s teachings & doctrines.

So many CANNOT perceive just how FAR those who say they are mine ARE from Me. I AM calling My people, those who say they are Mine, to wake up & STOP living the lie they call “Christianity” & truly humble themselves & BECOME obedient to Me, as I DID for My Father, as I GAVE myself for the sins of the world! How can SO many that say they love Me, think that they ARE right before me, when they do NOT even do the very things I COMMANDED to do? How can SUCH a reality EXIST in a world that I HAVE poured out My spirit upon all flesh? So, those who SAY they ARE Mine, have NOT truly RECEIVED My Spirit…they are STILL walking in the spirit of THIS present world.

I tell you that THESE things are not supposed to be! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. For My obedience caused My father to GIVE Me a name ABOVE every name. But as I look upon those who say they are mine, I do NOT see such obedience in the great majority…but in reality I see only an obedience to do those things that the enemy desires THEM to do! For I look upon My people & I see a people that are truly MIXED with the world. I see a people that are NOT shining the light that I COMMANDED them to shine! The time has come, in this hour for those who SAY they are Mine to DO as I have told them to do.

You must take your places & DO your part…you must YIELD yourselves to Me & continually SEEK to work DOWN deep within you, the very salvation that they SAY you possess. For this IS a process. This IS something you do over time. This IS something that few ARE doing in this hour. For there is LITTLE fear of God, in the very people of God. There is very LITTLE trembling in those who SHOULD be trembling in this hour. So many are STILL lulled sound asleep in THEIR complacency & compromise…they do NOT hear My voice, because it is NOT the voice they WANT to hear. I challenge My people to BEGIN to do the things that I have said to do.

For My words came forth in this night, I desire to look upon My people & see that I didn’t run in vain for them…that I didn’t labor in vain for them. Such emptiness I see, in My efforts in SO many! For though I look, I do NOT see the effectual working of My labor working WITHIN them. I see MOSTLY the things that THEY desire to do. I see mostly the things of THIS present world BEING where there heart truly IS. The time has come for My people to truly BECOME My people. You CAN continue on your present path, thinking all is well with you & suffer the consequences.

OR you CAN hear My heart of love for you & SEE the folly of YOUR self ways & RETURN unto Me in this hour. I love you all with an everlasting love & those who hear My voice, KNOW this. Their hearts CRY in unison WITH My voice, as THEY seek to do those things that ARE pleasing in My sight. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to take hold of you, as never before. For this IS the hour that you WILL show Me, as well as the world, who’s you TRULY are. Do NOT remain where you are, THINKING all is well.

Take hold of Me & My words for you & EMBRACE the truth of God in this hour. For as you WILL do this, you will BEGIN to know the truth as never before, because you will no longer be HELD by compromised or complacent realities in your life, you WILL seek to embrace ONLY that which IS of Me. And I will take hold your hearts & lead you in the way that you ARE to go & GREAT exploits WILL come forth OUT FROM you in this hour. I love you, My people…hear My love & righteously respond unto Me in this hour & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


As always, remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He said a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us! This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7pm CST on YOUTUBE. If you were unable to join us live, you can partake of this service at any later time by going here. The Live Stream will be uploaded to Rumble later:

We hope the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement to you. If you would like to help support this apostolic/prophetic ministry, you can give your much needed donation here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church