Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 03-18-24-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour-Heb. 8

Dear Family of God,

This week’s Monday worship service was again WOW! The freedom & anointing that was released was POWERFUL! As always, during our time of worship the Lord gave us many words of wisdom & several prophetic words! Our time in Hebrews 8 was only 13 verses, but a lot was there.  He keeps revealing things to us to show us the truth of the way things are. We are seeing more & more of what He has REALLY said in His word, which was hidden from God’s people for over 400 years!

This week I was able to take the time to put this chapter in a more readable format, so we include Hebrews Chapter 8 below. I did not include all of the verb break downs & other things that I share during the worship service, but wanted God’s people to see what the “text” would look like, in basic English:

HEBREWS 8 – The “Alethia” Version (Truth- Not Hidden\Concealed)

Vs.01    The point of\sum moreover over\upon with the things continually having a part\yielding to being spoken, as such, we continually by our action hold\have a High Priest, who by His action sat down in the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.

Vs.02    Of the morally blameless\sacred\holy places\sanctuary, a people worker\servant and of the tabernacle of the truth\not hidden\concealed which has by His action, the Lord fixed a peg\pitched, not man.

Vs.03    Every indeed high priest, into continually by his action to offer gifts both, and sacrifices continually has a part\yields to be appointed; wherefore the necessity continually by his action to anything and\also this one that he might by his action offer.

Vs.04    If (contrary to fact), truly then He would of by His action been over\upon the earth, not moreover would He by His action been a priest. Continually by their action being of those continually by their action offering according to the law, the gifts.

Vs.05    Who, to show an example and\also a shadow they continually by their action minister\serve of the heavenly realms as he already had a part\yielded to being divinely warned\admonished by God, Moses, continually by his action intending to continually by his action to complete over\upon the tabernacle: I command you to continually by your action to see indeed. He continually by His action shines\shows you, you will by your action in the future make all things according to the die\ stamp\pattern having yielded to being to you, in the with mountain.

Vs.06    Now moreover of a more excellent, He by His action had already hit upon\obtained a ministry to which also of a stronger\better one he continually by His action is of the placed thru\covenant the middle man\mediator, which over\upon with stronger\better promises has already had a part\yielded to being established.

Vs.07    If (contrary to fact), indeed the first, had that one already by its action been faultless, not of a second would there been a part\yield to being sought a spot\place.

Vs.08    Continually having a part\yielding to finding fault indeed them He continually by His action He says:  I command you by your action to look\see\behold! The days are continually having a part\yielding to coming continually by His action says the Lord, and in the future by My action I will complete in union together over\upon the house of Israel, and over\upon the house of Judah, a New Covenant.

Vs.09    Not according to the Covenant that by My action I made with the fathers of them, in with the day of having a part to take over\upon\seize of me of the hand of them to by My action lead them out of the land of Egypt, that they not by their action did continue to stay in in the Covenant of Me, and by My action not regarded them, says continually by My action, the Lord.

Vs.10    That this, the Covenant that I will in the future have a part to place thru\ with the house of Israel, with the days those, continually by My action says, the Lord, continually by my action giving\putting laws of Me into the of them, and\also over\upon the hearts of them, I will by My action in the future inscribe over\upon them, and\also in the future  I will by My action be with into them a God, and\also they will have a part in the future to be, into Me, a people.

Vs.11    And no, not should they by their action teach each the neighbor of him, and each the brother of him, continually by their action saying:  I command you by your action to know the lord intimately, because all will by their action in the future know Me intimately, off\from the smallest\least to the greatest of them.

Vs.12    Because merciful I will in the future have a part to be to the not right\no justice\unrighteousness of them and the sins of them no, not I might yield to remember anymore.

Vs.13    In with continually by His action to saying, “new”, He has already by His action made obsolete\old, the first, that moreover continually having a part\yielding to growing obsolete\old and continually by its action being old\aging, squeezing the throttle to bring near quickly, to render no longer apparent\disappearing\vanishing away.

As always, please remember that the main prophetic word which we also share below is important, but His words below do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…as we always say, there is SO much that came forth, intertwined between songs & sometimes even during the songs.

A LOT more is REVEALED THRU the Message, as the message breaks things down in each of the chapters & verses. If you do not take in the message, much of the main prophetic word will not make as much sense to you, compared to after hearing the complete message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for each of us! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to SHOW them the things that I have PLANNED, so they will understand why & how I DO these things, so you will understand that I work all things after the COUNSEL of My own will. For as you see how I created the priesthood, I did this to SHOW My people the need for a BETTER covenant. For I tried My people with the FIRST, showing them that they were not ABLE to stay in obedience to My will, PROVING to them in advance that there was a NEED for a better covenant.

For the NEW covenant IS better, in that it is STRONGER than the first. So, the first being OLD & decaying, has become OBSOLETE & you are seeing it VANISHING AWAYS, as My will REVEALS these truths to you. For it was My desire for My people to be ESTABLISHED by a BETTER covenant. The first was good for THAT time. It established My people in that it PREPARED them for what I would do LATER, by showing them the reality that existed IN their minds & hearts.

My Son has been made high priest of the tabernacle of TRUTH & those that will understand the DEPTH in this will ENTER into THIS holy place, as they seek Me with their lives to live IN Me, nothing hidden\concealed…for this is REAL truth. This is a genuine LIFE in Me. So many live a life that is NOT truly what I desire. Many think that they are living IN truth, but in REALITY, they are only living in the truth that THEY know & have received.

I AM bringing My people INTO the promise land…the land of TRUTH. For truth IS My promise TO you &I HAVE spoken truth to My people, yet so many do not receive My truth because it doesn’t fit what THEY want to believe. So many only hold to the things that make them FEEL good about themselves. Few will embrace the truth that I have really DECLARED. This is why My truth has been covered & concealed BY man.

For My truth sets the captives FREE, whereas man’s truth keeps the captives IN bondage to the things I desire them to BE free from. So many CANNOT understand this reality because they continue to hold to the mindset that My grace frees them to live as THEY desire…as long as they hold to certain things, that satisfy their SELF need that they ARE right in Me. But I tell you that these are NOT right IN Me…they are right IN SELF & I need My people to see THIS so they can come OUT OF this bondage of self & truly BE free IN Me.

As you see what I have revealed in Heb. 8 you will understand that I desire MORE than what man HAS seen. For man sees My word in a way that keeps My people from BEING where I desire them to BE…for I desire My people to be IN Me…NOT near Me. I desire to be IN My people, NOT near My people. Yet because of what man has done to compromise My words, for the most part that is not happening…for so few embrace THIS truth, as I desire.

With ALL the multitudes that declare that they love Me & want to BE CLOSE to Me, you would think that My TAKING THE COVER OFF of what man has done to My words, would DRAW the multitudes INTO My truth. But, as you are seeing, so few ARE seeing this happen, because My truth doesn’t tickle their ears & make them feel good about themselves. As long as SELF is on the throne, nothing will EVER change!

For even many of My truth “prophet”s are not seeing THIS reality, as they continue to hold to ear tickling & men-pleasing things, instead of SEEING the fullness of what I AM REALLY saying…they ONLY see the good parts…neglecting to say what is NEEDED on My people’s part to see these words come to pass IN their lives. Some how My people have lost sight to reality, THINKING that a man WILL reap what he has NOT sown.

Somehow My people are CONVINCED that they can live their self lives as THEY please, doing the religious obligations THEY hold to & think all is well WITHIN them. I tell you that this has GOT to change! For My Son IS the mediator between My people & Me…it IS HIM that IS bringing “taking the cover off” of the truths that have been hidden! The time has come for My people to truly BE My people. I keep saying THIS, waiting for a RIGHTEOUS response from those who say they love Me.

I need My people to truly UNDERSTAND that I love them with an everlasting love. They are seeing THIS truth manifest in this hour, for IN My love for them I M taking the cover off of the things that HAVE been hidden, so they CAN know the FULL truth, which will make them free IN Me. NOT free to live FOR self, but free to live IN Me. This is a GREAT problem to many, because the reality of this has NOT sunken INTO the hearts & minds of many.

It is time for My people to WAKE UP from their SELF sleep. It is time for My people to OPEN their eyes, WIPE OFF the crust FROM their eyes that keep them IN man’s PARTIAL truth, so they can see CLEARLY, with NOTHING hindering them from coming close into Me. I love you all & it truly IS My desire for you to be close IN Me. I did not say close TO Me…i said close IN Me. For this IS a great reason why so many NEVER come to understand TRUTH…because they have not come INTO Me…they only come NEAR Me.

All that My Son accomplished was to bring My people INTO Me, THRU Him. This rarely EVER happens, because My people really don’t come THRU Him…they only come BY Him. Coming BY Him, is just USING Him. When My people come THRU Him, there is a RENOVATION along the way, because they have fully LEFT where they have EXISTED & now have ENTERED where they have NEVER been before. Come to Me, My people & allow Me to show you the TRUE way. For as you will do your part IN this, you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


Again, please remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He always says a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us!

This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7:14pm CST on YouTube. If you were unable to join us live, you can take in any service at a later day or time by going here.

This week’s Live Stream should be uploaded to Rumble early on Tuesday:

We trust that the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement, impacting each of your lives with His life changing truth! Those that are so led may honor the Lord by giving their love offering to this apostolic/prophetic ministry by clicking here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

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