Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 04-22-24 Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour Heb.12


Dear Family of God,

This week’s Monday worship service was INTENSE! The anointing, freedom & TRUTH that was released during our time of worship was HUGE! As ALWAYS, during our time of worship the Lord gave us many words of wisdom & several prophetic words! Our time in Hebrews 12 was 29 verses & there really is a lot there. We are TRULY seeing more & more of what He has REALLY said in His word, which He has told was hidden from His people for over 400 years!

Please remember that the main prophetic word which we share below is important, but His words below do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during the entire service. Each worship service is TRULY a complete love letter from the Lord…there is SO much that comes forth, intertwined between songs & many times even during the songs. I am increasingly amazed at all the prophetic revelation He is now releasing during the worship songs. Those who join us in the entire service KNOW much more of the fullness of what the Lord revealed.

Yes, a LOT is REVEALED during the Message, because the message breaks things down in each of the chapters & verses. But, if you do not take in the message, much of the main prophetic word will not make as much sense to you, compared to after hearing the complete message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for each of us! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people to Help them to see the way things truly are today & to show them the way things are truly SUPPOSED to be. For as I took you thru Heb.11 last week, I showed you what TRUE faith is. So many today THINK they walk with true faith, but I showed My people just how WRONG this mindset is. And NOW as you have seen the truth in Heb.12, you now know the reality of being IN Me. For I desire to bring My people BACK to the way things ARE supposed to be…not as man HAS made them.

For truly the great majority of My people have been DELUDED into believing things that I didn’t say. Many have been CONVINCED in their lives, that the lives they are living ARE submitted & obedient unto My will. This is true IN a lot of My people, but even so, this truth I speak of, that these ARE walking in, is mostly in LEVELS that My people have received to walk in & these are MOSTLY at the SURFACE level.

But as My people will DESIRE to come DEEPER into ME & My truth, they WILL understand that there are MUCH deeper understandings to the things that I HAVE said. I AM bringing My people to the place of understanding that they MUST move along WITH Me. For so many CONTINUE as they have for many, many years, doing things the SAME ways…but now I AM calling all men to repent of their SELF ways & return unto Me in this hour.

For My ways are NOT your ways, My thoughts are NOT your thoughts. I understand that there are those who “claim” to be in line with My ways & thoughts, but I tell you, as you walk forward WITH Me in this hour, you WILL learn that this has ONLY been true on SOME levels & now I AM calling My people to go DEEPER than they EVER have before. For even in THIS chapter I HAVE shown you DEEPER things that have been hidden for 400 years,

So that My people have NOT been able to see the reality of HOW they were to walk, IN surrender, IN obedience, IN submission, unto Me. For many have gone THRU many hardships & trials, not understanding that for these things to happen, that I HAVE My reasons. For I love you all with an everlasting love, so IN this great love, I MUST discipline My children. IN this great love, I MUST chastise My children. IN this great love, I MUST train My children.

Yet, so many never or hardly ever SEE this, as the WAY it is & so they get pulled INTO depression, INTO denial, thinking that because of these things, “I do not love them”. I need My children to know, just how much they truly STILL ARE children. These things come BECAUSE of the reality of the way things REALLY ARE. For I see ALL things….I know ALL things. So, as you WILL obey My command to BEHOLD, LOOK, SEE, the things I HAVE said in this chapter, you WILL understand My love for YOU.

AND you WILL embrace the REALITY of what I AM trying to CONVEY to you. For I AM TRAINING you up INTO My kingdom, as it REALLY is, which IS righteousness, holiness & peace…for My kingdom IS within you. How can you expect to reign IN My heavenly kingdom, when I CANNOT get you to reign IN the kingdom of God WITHIN you? I say these things to OPEN UP the understanding of your hearts & minds, so My will for you CAN take hold & you begin to MANIFEST the reality of what I SAY.

As you will take My words to you today, as I have shown you in Heb.12, you WILL come to the realization that My will for you is NOT being manifested as I have desired, but has only been MINIMIZED by the watered down teachings & doctrines, that have come out of My word being greatly REDUCED & COMPROMISED by man’s translations. I need My people to BE willing to see this & take steps FORWARD unto Me in this hour. Many STILL do not comprehend that the light they ARE shining is complacent & compromised.

Even those who have a STRONG place IN Me, have been affected by THESE things, for even in their lives, they ONLY see things, mainly from the PLACE they have understood, but NOW I AM calling ALL to come HIGHER IN Me. For the higher you go IN Me, the DEEPER I MUST go INTO your hearts, giving you wisdom & understanding that SURPASSES what was previously known. It is time for My people to SHAKE themselves & be VIBRATED by My words in this hour.

For when the things I AM seeking to change within you ARE accomplished, you will no longer be vibrated\shaken, for My work will be done IN you & you will stand STRONG IN Me, not ABLE to be shaken, BECAUSE of what I have done WITHIN you. Come to Me, My people & HEAR My heart of love FOR you. I show you THESE things because of My great love & it IS My desire that you come CLOSE to Me in this hour. As you see the world vibrating & shaking in EVERY area, this should BE a sign to you, to come CLOSE to Me, as never before.

I love you My people & I AM doing everything I can to show you THIS. Do not think that this ISN’T true because of YOUR circumstances, for if you think from THAT level, you are not coming into the understanding that I AM trying to convey unto you. Never forget, that I WILL shake everything that CAN be shaken, so that only what CANNOT be shaken WILL remain. Hear My heart of love to you & walk closer to Me & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


Again, please remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during the ENTIRE service…He always says a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us!

This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7:14pm CST on YouTube. If you were unable to join us live, you can take in any service at a later day or time by going here.

This week’s Live Stream should be uploaded to Rumble by early Tuesday:

We trust that the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement, impacting each of your lives with His life changing truth! Those that are so led may honor the Lord by giving their love offering to this apostolic/prophetic ministry by clicking here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

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