Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 04-15-24 Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour Heb.11


Dear Family of God,

This week’s Monday worship service was WOW! The freedom, TRUTH & anointing that was released during our time of worship was again VERY POWERFUL! As ALWAYS, during our time of worship the Lord gave us many words of wisdom & several prophetic words! Our time in Hebrews 11 was 40 verses…there really was a lot there. We are TRULY seeing more & more of what He has REALLY said in His word, which He has told was hidden from His people for over 400 years!

Please remember that the main prophetic word which we share below is important, but His words below do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during the entire service. Each worship service is TRULY a complete love letter from the Lord…there is SO much that comes forth, intertwined between songs & many times even during the songs. I am increasingly amazed at all the prophetic revelation He is now releasing during the worship songs. Those who join us in the entire service KNOW much more of the fullness of what the Lord revealed.

Yes, a LOT is REVEALED during the Message, because the message breaks things down in each of the chapters & verses. But, if you do not take in the message, much of the main prophetic word will not make as much sense to you, compared to after hearing the complete message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for each of us! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people to help them to SEE…to help them to UNDERSTAND…to help them to KNOW things, in the way that I HAVE declared them. For it IS My desire to help you to MANEUVER your lives in this hour. So many are going thru HARDSHIPS…so many are going thru TRIALS…so many are going thru SUFFERINGS. Many feel DESTITUTE, as if I have forsaken them. But I have NOT forsaken My people…I love My people with an everlasting love.

As I have taken you thru Heb.11 this night, I have SHOWN you things on a level that most of My people have NOT perceived or known, for I SHOW things on the TRUE level…NOT the level man has MISLED My people. For so many walk IN a faith that is not truly OF MEe, but is MOSTLY of self. I say this because if you heard what I declared in Heb.11, you now know that you cannot walk BY faith…for I never said that…I said walk WITH faith. There is a HUGE difference in the two.

For to walk BY faith, a person is USING the action of faith…really not DOING their part. But those who walk WITH faith, are walking ALONGSIDE of faith, BOTH having action. So many pray for Me to work on their behalf & I DO! Yet, I need My people to SEE that I work GREATER in a life that is by THEIR action, walking along WITH faith. True faith EXISTS within My people…for WITHIN you it has CONFIDENCE & EXPECTANCY…it has TRUE hope! When you walk WITH true faith, there you will walk in ASSURANCE.

For there will BE a substance & this SUBSTANCE is shown as you ARE faithful to STAND UNDER the circumstances of the things that you EXPERIENCE. Walking in true faith, you will have CONVICTION to HOLD onto, for the PROOF, the EVIDENCE of the things you BELIEVE, EVEN when NOT seeing them. I say these things to SHOW you the truth. For as you look at My people in Heb.11…they all walked WITH faith…they didn’t walk BY faith.

They STOOD UNDER, having ASSURANCE that what I told them was MORE real than what they EXPERIENCED. Today, My people have learned a faith that I never GAVE them. Is it any WONDER that so many of My people STRUGGLE with their lives! For when things don’t go the way THEY think they should, My people begin to FALTER & FAINT…& then they wonder why they haven’t RECEIVED the promises! This SHOULD be a “no-brainer”, but it IS what it IS! I AM coming back for a people that walks WITH the faith that I DECREED.

I AM coming back for a people that walk WITH a faith that CAN move mountains. Yet, so many of My people cannot even MOVE to share My love with this lost & dying world. Most of My people are MORE concerned about THEIR lives…what I will do FOR them…when am I going to DO this or that for THEM, yet I tell you, there are FEW that walk WITH the faith that I desire. I love you all with an everlasting love & I AM waiting for you to TURN AWAY from the faith that man has INSTILLED in so many of My people.

I AM waiting for My people to TAKE HOLD of Me & SEE the faith that I HAVE given forth for them to walk in. As you will CONSIDER what My people went thru in Heb.11, you should LOOK at your lives & SEE just how blessed & fortunate that you ARE, to not have experienced the HORRORS, TRAUMA & ADVERSITY that they have. All these DIED, having NOT receiving the promise, yet they REMAINED faithful unto the END.

Because they weren’t HOLDING to what they WERE seeing…they were holding to what they could NOT SEE! I need My people to have to TRUE heart rendering, for time IS flowing by. I need My people to take a good LOOK at their lives & SEE just how blessed they are! For the time of PRESSURE has come & My people ARE experiencing MORE trials & tribulations than ever before. I shouldn’t have to tell you what THIS means!

I need My people to come back to the way things are SUPPOSED to BE. It is time for you to walk WITH the faith that I gave. It is time for My people to BE My people of faith. Faith is NOT based on what IS seen…faith is based on having CONFIDENCE & EXPECTANCY in the things NOT seen. I love you, My people…it is time for you to COME BACK to Me, as I desire. Hear My heart FOR you this day & SEEK ME as never before & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


Again, please remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during the ENTIRE service…He always says a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us!

This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7:14pm CST on YouTube. If you were unable to join us live, you can take in any service at a later day or time by going here.

This week’s Live Stream should be uploaded to Rumble by early Tuesday:

We trust that the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement, impacting each of your lives with His life changing truth! Those that are so led may honor the Lord by giving their love offering to this apostolic/prophetic ministry by clicking here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

Please leave a comment, if you want, but if your comment is to argue, to be rude or to in any way attack, it will not be posted or responded to. God commands us to walk in love & to speak the truth in love. May the LORD richly bless you!