Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 02-26-24-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour-Heb. 5

Dear Family of God,

This week’s Monday worship service started a bit late, but is was truly POWERFUL! As always, during our time of worship the Lord gave us many words of wisdom & several prophetic words! Our time in Hebrews 5 was INTENSE as He REVEALED things we never have seen before. HE continues to show us the truth of the way things are, as we see what He has REALLY said in His word, that has been hidden since the early church!

Anyway, the main prophetic word which we share below is VERY important! As always, PLEASE remember…the Lord’s words below do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…there is SO much that comes forth, intertwined between songs & sometimes even during the songs.

PLUS He says a LOT more, REVEALED THRU the Message, as the message breaks things down in each of the chapters & verses. if you do not take in the service, much of the main prophetic word will not make a lot of sense to you, compared to after hearing the complete message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for each of us! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour, because I TRULY love them with an everlasting love. IN this love, I must tell you only what IS truth…I cannot allow you to continue in your own SELF ways. So many do not seem to understand what I AM doing. So many still hold to the things that ONLY tickle their ears…so many REFUSE to be challenged by the truth of My words. But to those who ARE waking up…to those who ARE beginning to hear…to those who ARE starting to align their lives CLOSER to Me…I AM causing them to arise OUT OF their self life & up INTO y glory where they belong.

For I tell you the hour is coming & NOW is that those who will truly hear My voice WILL respond unto Me with their hearts. Those who will truly hear My voice WILL respond unto Me with their lives, for their actions WILL be altered to walk with Me on the path that I walk on. So many think they are walking with Me, but most only walk on the path of THEIR choosing. They never seem to understand that I cannot walk with them on their SELF roads. As many of the worship songs you sing REVEAL, to these, I only walk BEHIND them, waiting for them to come to the place where they realize they MUST deny self, turn around & FOLLOW Me.

As I have shown you in Heb. 5 this evening, I appointed My son as a high priest that He might offer gifts & sacrifice for My people. His part IS ongoing, in that His offering unto Me is continually active, that all men MIGHT enter into the compassion of His sacrifice. I need My people to SEE the true picture, how so many think they are close to Me, when in reality they are STILL roaming from safety…they are STILL walking in their own self ways, thinking they are fine.

I need My people to see the SERIOUSNESS of this. How many realize that much of His strong crying & tears was for the error & deception that My people have given THEIR lives over to, only to live FOR self, doing what mostly only that the flesh wanted?   So many only think about the suffering My Son experienced on the cross & never consider the suffering & grief that he endured knowing the truth of His desire for mankind to deny self, take up their cross daily & follow him would be SO compromised & watered down to the church OVER the past 400 years.

Yet, He stayed obedient, hearing UNDER Me, to DO the things that I wanted Him to do. It is time that My people start to listen to My truth & DO what Jesus did. For I AM coming back for a GLORIOUS church, without spot or wrinkle. I AM coming back for a church that IS clothed IN My righteousness…NOT in the complacent pseudo fake lives I SEE in My people today. It is time that those who say they are Mine to turn back to Me & enter into BEING perfected, as I desire.

This can only come as you WILL surrender your hearts & lives unto Me & begin to hear UNDER Me. This means hearing & STAYING UNDER what I say. NOT hearing & then going your OWN ways. For so many claim to know Me, when in reality they only know Me in the milk that they CONTINUALLY drink. They REFUSE to eat strong meat & GROW UP, because they deny the need to BE accountable & responsible for the things that I say. My people really need to understand the truth in this, because as My word says, this means that in truth, you are NOT really My sons, but ARE dull & sluggish to hearing what I say.

This SHOULD frighten each of you & cause you to repent & come back to Me! So many have walked IN their pseudo christian life for a LONG time. These should already HAVE been teachers OF My word, as I desired, but because they will only drink their milk, they are NOT worthy to be teachers, for they never seem take on the TRUE righteousness & character of act that I desire to rise up WITHIN them. This IS evident to those, who never seem to understand that I AM desiring to TEST them to make them SKILLFUL in the truth of righteousness, but because they only hold to their milk, they NEVER go there.

But those who ARE open to My will for their lives, ARE willing to BE tested & walk IN My truth in a HABIT, constantly taking the meat, so they CAN by perception KNOW the truth THRU their senses. These are willing to go thru this process, which is seen in the example of being “naked, covered with oil & practicing in the gladiator games”. This picture is an IMPORTANT truth being COVERED, so My people CAN see the reality of the way things are. It is My desire that My people CAN distinguish between what IS truly beautiful & good, & what I say IS truly worthless & evil.

Staying in a life that only drinks milk is NOT beautiful & good to Me, for those who should already be perfected. It is time for My people to come back to reality & EMBRACE the truth in this hour. I need you to see things as they truly are & return unto me from your own self ways. I love you all & truly desire for you to arise OUT OF where you ARE & become who My Son died for you to BE. Open your hearts to Me & take hold of Me as never before & you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


Again, please remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He always says a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us!

This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7:14pm CST on YouTube. If you were unable to join us live, you can take in any service at a later day or time by going here.

This week’s Live Stream will be uploaded to Rumble on Tuesday. There was some sort of problem ending the live stream & it continued for over 4 hours, until we were able to end it.:

We trust that the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement, impacting each of your lives with His life changing truth! Those that are so led may honor the Lord by giving their love offering to this apostolic/prophetic ministry by clicking here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

Please leave a comment, if you want, but if your comment is to argue, to be rude or to in any way attack, it will not be posted or responded to. God commands us to walk in love & to speak the truth in love. May the LORD richly bless you!