Revival-Fire Church Worship Live! 03-04-24-Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways In This Hour-Heb. 6

Dear Family of God,

This week’s Monday worship service was truly INCREDIBLE! This night was really different than most Monday nights…the freedom & anointing that was released was HUGE! As always, during our time of worship the Lord gave us many words of wisdom & several prophetic words! Our time in Hebrews 6 was DEEP as He REVEALED things we never have seen before. HE continues to show us the truth of the way things are, as we see what He has REALLY said in His word, that has been hidden from God’s people since the Bible was translated into English in 1611!

The main prophetic word which we share below is VERY important, but PLEASE remember that the Lord’s words below do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…there is SO much that comes forth, intertwined between songs & sometimes even during the songs.

A LOT more is REVEALED THRU the Message, as the message breaks things down in each of the chapters & verses. If you do not take in the message, much of the main prophetic word will not make as much sense to you, compared to after hearing the complete message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for each of us! With all of this in mind, please prayerfully receive His powerful words of love:


The Lord says: “I come to My people in this hour to help them SEE the importance of what I AM doing in this hour. For truly MANY are going thru HARD times, truly MANY are going thru TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS. Truly MANY are having a CRISIS of their faith IN ME. Many have NOT seen the importance of what I HAVE been trying to convey to you, which IS to SEE, to KNOW & to DEAL with the reality that My people HAVE been compromised by a COMPLACENT gospel.

I need you to understand that I HAVE told you these things many times IN My word. Remember the PARABLE of the sower & the seed? What about the parable of the enemy sowing TARES amongst the wheat? This IS what I NEED My people to SEE…the enemy HAS planted TARES. What did I say the SEED was IN these parables? I said the seed was the WORD of God. Even so, My people need to see that NOW that you are spiraling TO THE END, that the tares are starting to RISE UP & can now be seen AS TARES, when before they looked JUST LIKE the wheat.

The difference being, the tares bring forth NO FRUIT. This is NOW being manifest IN many of My people’s lives, as they WRESTLE with LIFE issues, as they DEAL with WORLDLY circumstances, as they STRUGGLE, being pulled towards FALLING AWAY from Me. I love you all with an EVERLASTING LOVE & I truly DESIRE you to hear My words & RESPOND unto Me, WITH your lives. You CANNOT continue as you have…you MUST see the error of your SELF ways & RETURN unto me WITH your lives.

SO many have been compromised into THINKING that their lives are for them to live as THEY desire. Some are even BEING convinced & persuaded by OTHERS on how their lives should BE. Very few are seeing the NEED to hold on to Me, seek Me & to live TRULY for Me. I need My people to STOP this before it is TOO late. I need My people to SEE the seriousness of what I AM saying. For I AM working hard to OPEN the eyes of your understanding to see just HOW FAR My people HAVE fallen & ARE falling away from Me.

This is why I have commissioned My servant to take you BACK to the TRUTH of My word. For the truth of My word SHOWS you the truth of how you ARE to walk. For My word tells you that you have ACTION you ARE to do. My word tells you that you HAVE a part in what I AM wanting you to do. My word tells you that you ARE to yield to Me in what I want you to do. Yet, so many STILL have not come to the understanding of what this REALLY means. For this means that you ARE My servants…NOT the servants of SELF!

So many STILL think they CAN live their lives & do what THEY want. So many STILL think that they ARE to live AS others want them to live. Do you not know, his slaves you ARE, to whom you YIELD your self servants to OBEY? Yet so many SAY that they serve Me, but in TRUTH they are ONLY serving Me, as self DESIRES. When will My people come to themselves, AS the prodigal son did & REALIZE the truth of their lives? This night in Heb. 6, I have shown you SO many things to OPEN your eyes, to the way things REALLY are.

I need you to SEE that your laziness & slothfulness to obey Me & do My will is NOT a good thing! You NEED to wake up & see the reality of what I REALLY said. Do you want to stand before Me & I tell you, that you ARE illegitimate sons? For this IS the truth in what I see. I see things as they REALLY are. So many say they HAVE given their lives to Me, but in truth, most of these have really only given Me a small portion.

As I have said before, IF you could see the truth of YOUR lives, AS I see them, you would see SELF on the throne of your hearts, with Me at YOUR feet, when it IS supposed to BE the other way around! I need My people to have to TRUE heart rending to see the reality of what I say. For the time you ARE in IS, as I told you…the THLIPSIS…trials, tribulations, PRESSURE! For THIS pressure is to show you the truth of YOUR lives, so you CAN repent & return unto Me from your SELF lives in this hour.

You TRULY need to see this & respond RIGHTEOUSLY to Me, for time IS running out. By this I don’t mean that time is coming to an end…I mean that in many THEY are coming to the end, to where they will either come CLOSER to Me or FALL, full away. I do NOT want the latter. I desire that EACH of you will hear the love IN My heart for you. I desire that EACH of you WILL sense the great PASSION & DESIRE I have for EACH of you to BE close to Me, so you WILL by your ACTION turn around, then DO YOUR PART to come back unto Me from your own ways.

I need you to YIELD unto Me & come CLOSE to My heart, for I TRULY love you with an everlasting love. Hear My love for you, My people & respond righteously unto Me in this hour. For I AWAIT each of you to SEE My truth, as you have never seen it before & CAST OFF your SELF fruits & seek Me for My will for your lives. For as you WILL DO this you will not be disappointed, says the Lord!”


Again, please remember…the Lord’s words above do not reveal the entirety of what He shared during this service…He always says a LOT more, especially in the Message. If you have not already done so, please be sure to take in this entire service to get the most impact of all that He brought forth for all of us!

This Monday Night’s Worship Service was live streamed @ 7:14pm CST on YouTube. If you were unable to join us live, you can take in any service at a later day or time by going here.

This week’s Live Stream should be uploaded to Rumble early on Tuesday:

We trust that the Lord’s prophetic words are a blessing & encouragement, impacting each of your lives with His life changing truth! Those that are so led may honor the Lord by giving their love offering to this apostolic/prophetic ministry by clicking here:

God bless each of you!

Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church

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