God Is Taking His People Of this Hour Into The Promise Land

Dear Family Of God,

As many of you know, for nearly 2 years now the Lord has had me re-translate each chapter of New Testament, during our Monday Night Worship services. We started with the book of Romans & are now in Hebrews. We are doing this because He revealed to me the truth of what the enemy has done to conceal His truth, thru the “King James Version”, then subsequently to all Bible versions after that.

Many of God’s people do not know that King James was an adulterer & a sinner. He commissioned the translators to minimize & compromise the KJV, to cover his sins. So, ALL present translations of the Bible have also been watered down. God’s people TODAY never truly know the full truth of what God REALLY spoke to His people. You would be SHOCKED to know that most of everything God actually COMMANDED was actually translated as “let”.

After I prayed & received the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart on Aug 16th, 1976, my life was truly changed. I went from being a young man who worshiped Alice Cooper, using drugs & alcohol & swearing like a sailor, to a man who was on fire for the Lord & was instantly changed! Shortly after, the Lord placed me under a pastor who was a Hebrew & GREEK Bible scholar back in 1976 & I was tutored by this Seminary Professor for over 4 years in the Greek New Testament until 1981. After those 4 years were over, the Lord moved my wife & I away from the SF Bay area to where we lived for over 26 years in No. CA. In 1983 the Lord led us to start attending a local Charismatic church where we then lived, when before this we had only attended the Baptist church.

Shortly after this, the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit & I began this exciting new journey with the True & Living God! 2 years later, my wife & I were both ordained into the ministry. The Lord called me to serve as the associate pastor & my wife served as the children’s pastor of that local church. In all the glory & awe of walking in the Holy Spirit in this new walk of faith, the Lord put the “Greek” I had learned those previous 4+ years on the shelf. The Lord then promoted me to senior pastor in 1990 & we served as pastors in that local church for a total over 21 years until the Lord move us to Texas in 2006. From 2006 to 2016 we lived in So. Texas where the Lord took us thru a “wilderness experience” of sorts, as He worked in our hearts much change to prepare us for what He was going to do next. In 2016 He moved us to where we live now, in the Kerrville, TX area & He began to open up the ministry to His next plans for our lives.

In 2019, He launched Revival-Fire Church’s local worship services here, which we also live streamed on YouTube each week. Then in 2021, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder & moved on me to start going back into the Greek, to show His people many truths that were before hidden. I never knew the intent & the impact of what God was about to do. Shortly after this, in 2022 while I was breaking down the truth of His word from the Greek, I saw such HUGE discrepancies in what we had previously been taught & have known previously, as He revealed them to me. I was inn awe & shocked as He then commanded me to re-translate the entire New Testament, one chapter at a time & that is what He has had me to do for nearly 2 years now.

The impact of the TRUTH that He has uncovered is phenomenal! Did you know that the very word “TRUTH” (a-lethia) really means “not hidden\concealed”? As many of you already know, He is showing me the true state of today’s church, which for the most part only HEARS words that promise His “blessings & victories”. Look at most all of the top “prophetic websites” (for example)…they basically only say God is going to drop His blessings & victory into your lap! The word of God says “we know in part & prophesy in art” (1 Co.13:9). Sadly, the great majority of these prophetic ministries are only hearing “the good part”.

The TRUTH in God’s word shows that EVERY promise of God has CONDITIONS. Each of us ALL have a part in His promises…no one is immune! In fact, He just recently revealed that Paul, the apostle condemned the “prosperity movement”. The truth is, most people who call themselves Christians are really only serving SELF. Jesus COMMANDED we were to DENY self, take up OUR cross daily & follow Him! Many of you already know that the Lord called me an apostle back in 1992, when He sent 2 prophets to our church.

God said, though we were serving as pastors, He had called me an apostle & my wife a prophet. We were humbled by this, not really knowing what to do, but we said, yes to the Lord’s will. I am just sharing what the Lord said. The Lord has confirmed this truth to us multiple time since 1992 thru many credible ministries. Earlier this year, the Lord told me that He has called me as His apostle of TRUTH for this hour. I now understand why He said this. I don’t say this with any pride, I say this humbly & in holy fear, because I know I am nothing but HIS vessel.

Back in 2002 in our No. CA church, during one of our intense worship services, He took me into a vision & I was outside my body, looking at myself. I then turned into a golden pipe that went up into Heave, with the bottom bent towards the congregation. All of a sudden, this golden anointed oil began pouring down His glory from Heaven onto the people & I began to weep & cry openly before the people. I declared “Lord, all I ever want to be is Your pipe!” That is still my ONLY desire today.

A major way that the KJV & other versions do not convey the truth is in the verbs. For one, in the English they do not convey the Mood of the verbs…such as “commands”, in the Imperative Mood. Also, there are different actions the verbs REALLY say. There are 3 Voices in the verbs, relating to action: Active voice, Middle voice & Passive voice. The English versions take away ALL of the voices, so we never know what we ARE to do. This will help to understand what I mean, as I was taught THIS back in the 1970s:

You have a red wagon.

ACTIVE voice: You are in the wagon PUSHING yourself. It is ALL your ACTION.
MIDDLE voice: You are in the wagon, pushing with your leg, while ALSO someone pulls you.  You HAVE A PART in the ACTION.
PASSIVE voice: You are in the wagon, being PULLED. You are YIELDED to the action.

The fact is, much of the time the words are ALSO moved around in the verses, which could have huge impact in what was really said. Allow me to show you a HUGE example of what God is revealing about all of this. A very powerful verse, Luke 9:23:

Luke 9:23  “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”.

Sounds simple enough, but THIS IS what Jesus REALLY said, which is what the 1st century church KNEW & TRULY lived by:

“He actively said (in the past & what He said continues forward in time) (1), moreover to all, IF\Since anyone who continually by his action desiring in reality (2) after me to continually have a part AND yield to come (3), I command him to do his part denying himself (4), AND I command him by his action take up (5) the cross of him according to today AND I command his to continually by his action to follow Me (6)”.

(1= Imperf.Act.Ind= Imperf=Continuous action in past time, Our action, Mood of reality)
(2= Pres.Act.Ind=Present tense is Continually, Our action, Mood of reality)
(3= Pres.M\P.Inf=Present Tense is Continuous. Do Our part & yield to God. Inf=”to”.)
(4=Aor.Mid.Imp=, Aor. Tense is past or present. We do Our part. Mood of Command)
(5=Aor.Act.Imp=Aor. Tense is past or present. Our action. Mood of Command)
(6=Pres.Act.Imp= Present Tense is Continuous. Our action. Mood of Command)
(If = here is a 1st Class Condition, which speaks of “Reality”, this meaning = “Since”)
(AND= This Conjunction, joins the 3 thoughts together…they are NOT separate, they are 1. Like having a pie, cut into 3 pieces…all 3 = the whole. You can’t have 1 without the others to be complete in the statement)

The difference between what the KJV says & what Jesus REALLY said is HUGE! The 1st century church KNEW the TRUTH of God’s words & they WALKED in it. They DENIED SELF, they TOOK UP their cross each day, they FOLLOWED Him…they walked in TRUE holiness & righteousness. They KNEW the truth in the epistles of Paul & the others, who God moved to write what we call the “New Testament ” today. The 1st century church turned the world upside down & even the Roman govt. became Christian. Of course, then the enemy came in & was able to steal, kill & destroy & the world later went into the dark ages.

Jesus said, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32).

So, why are so many Christians not free? God says it is time for His people to walk in His truth. The truth is, most Christian take this to mean they are free to live as they want. You see Christians getting more & more tattoes & body piercings. They look more like the world, than they do Christ. But, this is what Jesus REALLY said:

“And in the future you will have a part to intimately know (1) the truth (nothing hidden\concealed), and the truth (nothing hidden\concealed) in the future will actively liberate\set you free (2).”

(1=Fut.Mid.Ind= Future Tense, Do your part, Mood of Reality)
(2=Fut.Act.Ind= Future Tense, By Your action,Mood of Reality)
(Know Intimately = Ginosko, in both cases)

So, as we do OUR part going forward in the future, to intimately know HIS truth (not the hidden\concealed partial truth the church has lived by for over 400 years), HIS intimately known truth will in the future actively liberate\set us free. This freedom is NOT to live as we desire or please…this freedom is to live as God desires & He pleases.

In the past month, the Lord has revealed to me why He has called me to doing this. He took me back to how the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years & died off, never entering into the Promised Land, because they refused to return unto God from their SELF ways.

He told me that THIS is why He is having me to do all of this with His word.. He took me back to how He had me trained to translate the Greek New Testament over 40 years ago, then later put it on the shelf, until just a few years ago. In essence, the Truth He had taught me had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, but now He was using me to bring His people into the Promise Land.

The Promise Land He speaks of IS His Truth…for His truth IS His PROMISE to us. As we will take hold of His truth (nothing hidden\concealed), we will go forward into His freedom & arise up INTO Him, to BE His vessels of honor in this last hour.

The Lord is leading me to eventually put all of the chapters & books together to make a “new translation”, which will come together down the road. It will take at least 2 or more years before we finish going thru all the chapters, one week at a time. The 4 Gospels alone would take 87 weeks, if we did 1 chapter each week & these are long chapters! The work involved in preparing these chapters would be immense, as I would have to spend a lot of time putting each chapter into a “readable format”, similar to what I did in the 2 verse examples above.

I have been seeking the Lord for what He wants this “translation” to be called & right now I am sensing He wants it to be called “The Alethia Translation”, because Alethia is the Greek word for “truth”, which means “not hidden\concealed” & this is what He is truly doing in this hour!

He then told me how His truth has been “wandering in the wilderness” since 1611. That’s over 412 years now. His people have wandered for 40 years, for 40 years, for 40 years, over & over again…over 10 sets of “40 year wanderings”. I sense that He has wanted His people to enter into His truth in each of these seasons, but for whatever reason, He wasn’t able to find anyone willing to do HIS full will.

Yes, in all of these 40 year seasons, there have been those who have “touched” on things, with great illumination & brought revival on different levels, but each time, these became warped, unbalanced & became what we call “denominations” today, as we see what has happened to the church over these 400+ years. Frankly, the truth is, in each of these denominations, they have BECOME “demon-izations”, as the enemy was able to come steal, kill & destroy God’s REAL intentions, to bring His people into His TRUTH.

I share all of this with our Christian family, so you would know what the Lord is doing in this hour. He is NOW wanting His people to enter into the Promise land, which is the land of HIS truth (nothing hidden\concealed). For this is how the GREAT revival will come, just as it did in the 1st century church. So, as it was IN the beginning, so shall it be IN the end. We must stop wanting to go back into Egypt (bondage of self)…we must return unto the Lord from our SELF ways & enter into the land of His promise…which is His TRUE word…not what man has made it to be!

Love & blessings,
Pastor Mark Moore
Revival-Fire Church

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